
Home / News / Essentials of Operation of Life Sustaining System Equipment in Aquarium

Essentials of Operation of Life Sustaining System Equipment in Aquarium

The life-sustaining system equipment of the aquarium is the core equipment in the design and construction of the aquarium, because natural landscaping, suitable lighting, and maintenance of water quality are the basic requirements for maintaining the life of marine organisms. The life-sustaining system is directly related to the survival and health. The editor of the aquarium design and construction project below will explain to you the operating points of the life-saving system equipment of the aquarium.The oxygen cylinders that needed to be installed the life support system of the aquarium must be prepared.

  Open the valve and the bottle valve of the oxygen cylinder required by the aquarium life-saving system equipment, open the vacuum valve and operation switch to make the vacuum pump operate, and close the operation switch and vacuum valve.
Open the filling valve and switch to fill the oxygen cylinder to be filled with oxygen. When the pressure of the large oxygen cylinder for storing oxygen is equal to the pressure in the oxygen cylinder to be filled, turn on the electrical switch and start the oxygenator to fill with oxygen. Immediately close the bottle valves and valves of the oxygen cylinders required for the life-saving equipment of the aquarium.
Remove the oxygen cylinder full of oxygen and replace it with the oxygen cylinder that needs to be oxygenated in the new aquarium life support system equipment. First, turn off the filling valve, vent the remaining pressure oxygen in the pipeline, and then start the vacuum pump.

Sensen Group Co., Ltd.